Adults Emergency Department

St Thomas' Hospital

Emergency department entrance, with red wall and signage.
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One of the biggest issues facing ED departments in recent years has been violence and aggression in the form of verbal or even physical abuse, directed by patients towards staff.

A 2013 study by the Design Council identified one of the major factors as poor information design, which leaves patients feeling confused, disorientated and angry, making aggressive behaviour more likely.

“The zoned colour scheme helps patients to orientate themselves within the department - and makes it easier for them to tell friends and relatives where they are.”
Dr Katherine Henderson, Consultant
Digital examples of the signage and graphics used in the building.
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Check-in sign with red icon, hanging from ceiling.
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We worked with artist Vahram Muratyan to create a set of graphics to make wayfinding intuitive, giving each department and stage in the journey a sense of arrival.

These illustrations mark out the space according to icons and colours, which we printed on vibrant Trovex material.

Two TVs next to each other, displaying one orange graphic of London.
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The graphics also feature in a colourful animation. This plays on screens in waiting areas and relatives’ rooms.

It shows a vista of Westminster Bridge, changing in real time according to the time, tide, weather and season.

Waiting room, with grey sofa and blue graphic on TV.
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We worked with the St Thomas’ community, who contributed short quotes about their favourite times of day and night, which pop up to match the conditions in the animation.

This animation offers something that the typical Emergency Department distraction points (e.g. TVs, newspapers) cannot: a mindful, meditative way to focus the mind in times of boredom, stress and anxiety, and an overall calming atmosphere across the department.

Further along the patient journey are two departments, majors and resuscitation, dealing with patients in a critical condition. The healing presence of art continues here in the form of large-scale portals demarcating the entrance to both departments.

“The bold design across the public and private areas has made a phenomenal difference to people’s experience of A&E [...] I am sure the artwork is responsible for the reduced violence and aggression we are seeing.”
Dr Simon Eccles, Chief Clinical Information Officer for Health and Care
Corridor walls with design of orange clouds, white trees and resuscitation signage.
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Still image of doctors from documentary film, with quote "We hope that explaining our system and process will help reassure patients".
Still image of junior doctor from documentary, with quote "It's a team, essentially - a team of doctors, nurses and specialists working on your care".
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More recently, we produced a documentary film – “Explaining Emergency” featuring informative graphics and interviews with staff, who explain treatment protocols, waiting times, the patient journey, and how the service operates overall.

This plays in waiting areas, helping to address the key concerns on patients’ minds – “why is that person being seen first?” “where am I in the queue?” – thereby helping to calm worries and prevent irritation, anger, and violence.

Showcasing the expertise and dedication of staff, and the daily challenges they face, this film encourages a mutual empathy between front line staff and patients.

This case study is part of lecture series. The lecture was delivered at the Royal College of Physicians as part of the European Healthcare Design Congress in June 2019.

We enjoy sharing our experiences and insights. See this Link to watch a video of the lecture.

The artwork has been supported by Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity, which helps create a world-class.

Project Information

Adults Emergency Department
Guy’s and St Thomas’ NHS Trust
Vahram Muratyan
Martin Jones, Christian Williams
German Design Awards
Art & Interiors Award
BBH Awards
Best Collaborative Arts (Static)
Healthcare Estates
Highly Commended
Consultancy of the Year
Healthcare Estates
Highly Commended
Refurbishment of the Year