Design that makes a difference.

Woman and child walking in front of wall of black and white flower art.

Over 20 years, and hundreds of projects we have helped big organisations like the NHS tackle real problems such as wayfinding, patient phobias, and staff well-being – all using our approach of integrated art.

We combine art, interior design, wayfinding and digital experiences into one harmonious design; design that makes a difference.

We have discovered that any brief, big or small, is a chance to change lives for the better. To make those changes, we need to stay curious, inventive and experimental. That’s why no two projects of ours have ever looked the same, or ever will.

Can we help you with your project?
Click here to contact us

Art in Site is a team of designers working in health, education and social spaces to make positive changes to the lives of the people who use them.

Person in front of glowing light installation.


From reducing violence and aggression in emergency departments, to encouraging staff recruitment and retention and creating sensitive spaces where staff are best able to give bad news, we at Art in Site can use our professional experience and creativity to change not just spaces, but lives.

Isn’t this just about redecorating?
Or hanging a few pictures in the corridor?

Blue hallway with timber beams from Maternity ward project.
Girl in front of orange wall with art of Mary Jackson.
Staff satisfaction scores for patient flow doubled
Independent evaluation
Rays of Sunshine Ward, King’s College Hospital
30% fewer drugs administered... patients sleeping better"
Independent evaluation
Ysbrid y Coed Mental Health Unit
Patient satisfaction rose on all scores... including food-taste"
Independent evaluation
King’s College Hospital

Our work makes a powerful and measurable impact.

Interested to hear more?
Click here to contact us

Hallway and walkways in QEII Hospital.

We make environments feel better.

Journalist Mina Holland with daughter in Evelina Snow Fox ward.
Hospitals all too often dehumanise just when a human touch is most needed. Experiencing Snow Fox’s warm lighting, bright colours and upbeat design, I was instantly struck by a calm I hadn’t felt since before my daughter was born, and a confidence that this was the place we needed to be."
Mina Holland, The Guardian

Mina Holland wrote an article for The Guardian about her regular visits to one of our projects at the Evelina.

Click here to read the full article.

Frequently Asked Questions
What’s unique about your approach?

We bring together art, wayfinding, and interior design into beautiful, unified environments.
This means that art and architecture feel like one. Everything is seamlessly integrated.

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Which sectors do you make work for?

You’re most likely to find our work in hospitals and healthcare spaces.
But we’ve also been involved in education & universities, mental health, children’s environments – anywhere that needs empathetic design.

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What size of projects do you work on?

We work on projects of any scale – from single-room refurbishments to multi-million new builds.
We spread art and creativity across the whole journey, so that everyone can experience its benefits.

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What’s your creative scope?

We’re a studio that can deliver (almost) anything. A typical project will include 2D artwork, interior design, and wayfinding.
We also make furniture, colour schemes, branding, materials choices, lighting, sculpture, interior design and digital experiences.

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When do you get involved?

We enter a build construction project at any time during the architectural process (RIBA stages 0-7).
We advise getting in touch as early as possible – the earlier we’re involved the more ambitious and unique we can be with our outputs.

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Do you offer affordable consultancy?

Yes. We work with teams to consult and plan at early stages, helping them build a roadmap and identify what’s possible for them.

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What does the process look like?

It’s very collaborative. We work with your community to understand the culture and social context and ask how could art, wayfinding, and interior design help to make life better? Then we produce visual ideas, which we share for feedback, and this gives us lots of new ideas and fresh perspectives. We continue to collaborate like this, until everyone’s happy. Then we begin technical design, manufacture and installation.

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How much does it cost?

It depends, of course. But as a rule of thumb, an art and wayfinding budget should be roughly one per cent of the building cost.
So, If a new Children’s Emergency Department costs £20 million to design and build, then our budget should be roughly £200,000.

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Is fundraising an option?

Fundraising is part of our core offering. We work to lead or support on fundraising on many of our projects.

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Which materials do you use?

We take pride in using materials that are proven and tested to withstand challenging environments.
We’ve made beautiful windows that can’t be smashed, and infection-resistant artwork that withstands years of daily cleaning with medical-grade cleaning products. We're always researching and testing new sustainable material options, and present these as the preferred option where possible.

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Isn’t art just a nice-to-have?

No. It’s one of the most cost-effective ways to address emotional and functional problems – like wayfinding, anxiety, and even staff retention – in hospitals and social spaces. The key is to use art strategically and to integrate it seamlessly into the infrastructure of the environment.

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